YouTube is serving up a good chunk of their videos using the HTTPS secured protocol instead of the regular HTTP. You can edit the URLs if you wish, but let's make life easier by opening up a new BBCode for these URLs.
Let's use a concrete example - here's the URL for the first part of the Roy Buchanan video I just posted - - notice it's https, not http. Two ways of addressing this - just change the URL to read http (removing the last s) like so...
Same idea - you have to eliminate any characters after and including an ampersand (that's for lists, or tracking) as you currently do, but this way if YouTube serves up via SSL, you can merely change the tag and post normally.
Let's say the URL of those girls playing the Metallica song is, using the domain, but the protocol is https instead of regular http.
I hope it's not inappropriate to test this out here.....first attempt to post a video, and I suspect I am trying to follow the instructions below, but likely inept. Thanks.
Michael, dolt that I am I cannot figure out how to embed a video into a post. No rush, but when you get a chance could I possibly get you to pm me an " Idiots guide to embedding videos into posts on BGC" ?