I'm working on a Dell Notebook that first off starts up asking me to go into safe mode or the last configuration the PC was working fine with or normal start up
Ok so I pick normal...
XP Home comes up, then bam blue stop screen 0x0000008E
If I start at the last configuration I get a Fatal Error Blue Screen...
I tried to boot the PC from the CD-ROM drive with the Dell Driver CD, nothing...
Then I tried to boot from the hard drive and it said OS not found, lol...
My friend Woody did a number on it this time...
I'm trying to save the PC without reformating the disc if I can't find the reason for the stop error I can't get anywhere?
I thought stop errors were our friends
To top it off I couldn't get into his bios without a password, I typed his name in and it let me in, lol...
Any advice?